Norton Chopper Update
Last week, I got the stator/rotor spaced correctly so the primary is not bound. Then, by late last week I got the static timing done (I believe) correctly. Since I'm working with a 1969 Commando engine with the points mounted behind the cylinder similar to the Atlas, it took me a bit to figure this out for myself. I also tested my battery to make sure that, even loaded, it was at least 12V. It was 12.2V after two minutes with the headliight on. Not great, but I think adequate for the Boyer. So last Friday, I sprayed some ether into the carb and tried to kick it over. It popped the very first time with the kicker arm kicking back at me. I did this several times and it popped most every time. However, it did not catch. Unfortunately, all my kicking broke the welds on the kicker arm. That meant that over the weekend, I had to machine and weld a stronger kicker arm.
This afternoon, I'm going to try again. We'll see what happens.
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